Raise Your Credit Score 2024


How to Protect Your Identity in 2024


Raise Your Credit Score in 2024

In today’s financial landscape, having a good credit score is essential for achieving various milestones such as buying a home, obtaining a car loan, or even securing a competitive interest rate on credit cards. Your credit score not only impacts your ability to access credit but also influences the terms and conditions offered to you by lenders. If you’re looking to improve your financial standing this year, focusing on raising your credit score is a smart move.

Introduction to Credit Scores

Before delving into strategies for boosting your credit score, it’s crucial to understand what a credit score is and how it’s calculated. A credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness, ranging typically from 300 to 850. The higher your score, the more favorable terms you’re likely to receive from lenders.

Importance of a Good Credit Score

A good credit score can open doors to various financial opportunities. It can make it easier to qualify for loans and credit cards, often at lower interest rates. Additionally, landlords, insurance companies, and even potential employers may assess your credit score to evaluate your trustworthiness and reliability.

Understanding Credit Score Factors

Several factors contribute to your credit score, each carrying a different weight. Understanding these factors can help you prioritize actions to improve your score effectively.

Payment History

Your payment history is the most significant factor influencing your credit score. It reflects whether you’ve paid your bills on time and accounts for approximately 35% of your score.

Credit Utilization

Credit utilization measures the amount of credit you’re using relative to your total available credit. Aim to keep your credit utilization below 30% to demonstrate responsible credit management.

Length of Credit History

The length of your credit history accounts for around 15% of your credit score. Generally, the longer you’ve had credit accounts in good standing, the better it is for your score.

Types of Credit in Use

Lenders prefer to see a mix of different types of credit, including credit cards, installment loans, and mortgages. This diversity demonstrates your ability to manage various financial obligations responsibly.

New Credit Inquiries

Opening multiple new credit accounts within a short period can negatively impact your credit score. Each new inquiry can temporarily lower your score, so avoid unnecessary credit applications.

Strategies to Raise Your Credit Score

Now that you understand the key factors influencing your credit score, let’s explore some actionable strategies to help you raise it:

Monitor Your Credit Report Regularly

Regularly reviewing your credit report allows you to identify errors or fraudulent activity promptly. You’re entitled to one free credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus annually, so take advantage of this opportunity.

Pay Bills on Time

Late payments can significantly damage your credit score. Set up automatic payments or reminders to ensure you never miss a due date.

Reduce Credit Card Balances

High credit card balances relative to your credit limits can hurt your credit score. Aim to pay down your balances and keep them low to improve your credit utilization ratio.

Avoid Opening Too Many New Accounts

Each new credit inquiry can temporarily ding your credit score. Be selective about opening new accounts and avoid applying for credit unnecessarily.

Maintain a Mix of Credit Types

Having a diverse mix of credit accounts, such as credit cards, student loans, and mortgages, can positively impact your credit score.

Keep Old Accounts Open

Closing old accounts shortens your credit history, which can lower your score. Unless there are compelling reasons to close an account, consider keeping it open to maintain a longer credit history.

Tools and Resources for Improving Credit

Several tools and resources are available to assist you in your journey to better credit:

  • Credit Monitoring Services: Enroll in credit monitoring services to receive alerts about changes to your credit report, suspicious activity, or potential identity theft.
  • Budgeting Apps: Use budgeting apps to track your spending, set financial goals, and manage your finances more effectively.
  • Credit Counseling: Consider seeking guidance from a credit counseling agency to develop a personalized plan for improving your credit.
  • Secured Credit Cards: If you’re struggling to qualify for traditional credit cards, a secured credit card can be a valuable tool for rebuilding credit.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

In your quest to improve your credit score, be mindful of common mistakes that could derail your progress:

  • Closing Old Accounts: As mentioned earlier, closing old accounts can shorten your credit history and lower your score.
  • Maxing Out Credit Cards: High credit card balances can signal financial distress to lenders and harm your credit score.
  • Ignoring Errors on Credit Reports: Review your credit report regularly and dispute any inaccuracies promptly to ensure your score is based on accurate information.

Patience and Persistence: The Key to Success

Improving your credit score is not an overnight process. It requires patience, discipline, and consistent effort over time. By implementing the strategies outlined in this article and avoiding common pitfalls, you can steadily raise your credit score and improve your financial health.


Your credit score plays a crucial role in your financial well-being, influencing your ability to access credit and the terms you’re offered by lenders. By understanding the factors that affect your score and implementing proven strategies for improvement, you can take control of your financial future and achieve your goals.


  1. How long does it take to raise your credit score?

    • The time it takes to raise your credit score depends on various factors, including the severity of past credit issues and the consistency of your efforts. Generally, you may start seeing improvements within a few months, but significant increases could take years of responsible credit management.
  2. Will checking my credit score lower it?

    • No, checking your own credit score is considered a soft inquiry and does not affect your score. However, hard inquiries from lenders can have a temporary impact on your score.
  3. Can I improve my credit score if I have a history of late payments?

    • Yes, even if you’ve had late payments in the past, you can still improve your credit score by making timely payments going forward and demonstrating responsible credit behavior over time.
  4. Should I close old credit accounts to improve my credit score?

    • Closing old credit accounts can actually lower your credit score by shortening your credit history

Our SecurePreferred plans give you and your family financial peace of mind by offering a variety of affordable identity protection options. See which plan best suits your needs.

How to Protect Your Identity in 2024


How to Protect Your Identity in 2024


Identity theft continues to be a pervasive threat in today’s digital age. With advancements in technology, perpetrators find increasingly sophisticated methods to exploit personal information for fraudulent activities. It’s crucial to safeguard your identity to mitigate risks and maintain financial and emotional well-being.

Understanding Identity Theft

Identity theft involves the unauthorized use of someone else’s personal information for fraudulent purposes. This can include financial data, social security numbers, and other sensitive details. Perpetrators employ various tactics, such as phishing scams, data breaches, and malware, to obtain this information.

Impact of Identity Theft

The repercussions of identity theft extend beyond financial loss. Victims often experience emotional distress, anxiety, and a sense of violation. Reclaiming one’s identity can be a lengthy and arduous process, requiring time and resources.

Tips for Protecting Your Identity

  1. Strong Passwords: Use complex passwords and change them regularly.
  2. Two-Factor Authentication: Enable additional security layers for online accounts.
  3. Monitoring Financial Statements: Regularly review bank statements and credit reports for suspicious activity.
  4. Secure Wi-Fi Networks: Avoid public Wi-Fi for sensitive transactions and secure home networks with passwords.

Utilizing Identity Protection Services

Identity protection services offer proactive monitoring and alerts for suspicious activities. Features may include credit monitoring, identity theft insurance, and resolution assistance. It’s essential to research and compare different service providers to find the best fit for your needs.

Educating Yourself and Others

Stay informed about common scams and share knowledge with friends and family. Awareness is key to recognizing and avoiding potential threats. Be cautious when sharing personal information online and verify the legitimacy of requests.

Securing Personal Documents

Keep important documents in a secure location and shred sensitive information before discarding. Identity thieves may target physical documents, such as mail and paperwork, to obtain personal details.

Being Cautious Online

Exercise caution when clicking on links or downloading attachments from unknown sources. Phishing emails and malicious websites are prevalent methods used by identity thieves to obtain sensitive information. Limit the amount of personal information shared on social media platforms and adjust privacy settings accordingly.

Regularly Updating Security Measures

Stay up-to-date with software updates and security patches for devices and applications. Review privacy settings on social media and online accounts to ensure maximum protection against unauthorized access.

Recognizing Warning Signs

Be vigilant for signs of identity theft, such as unexplained transactions, unauthorized account changes, and missing mail. Promptly investigate any suspicious activity and report it to relevant authorities.

Immediate Actions When Identity Theft is Suspected

If you suspect identity theft, act swiftly by contacting financial institutions to freeze accounts and report fraudulent activity. Notify credit bureaus to place fraud alerts on your credit reports and file a report with law enforcement agencies.

Legal Protection and Recourse

Understand your legal rights as a victim of identity theft and seek legal assistance if necessary. Many jurisdictions have laws in place to protect consumers from fraudulent activities, and legal recourse may be available to recover damages.

Staying Vigilant Over Time

Identity protection is an ongoing process that requires continuous monitoring and adjustment. Stay vigilant against emerging threats and adapt security measures accordingly to safeguard your identity effectively.

The Role of Government and Institutions

Governments and institutions play a vital role in combating identity theft through legislation, regulation, and corporate responsibility. Support initiatives aimed at strengthening consumer protections and holding accountable those responsible for data breaches and fraudulent activities.


Protecting your identity in 2024 and beyond requires proactive measures and a vigilant mindset. By understanding the risks of identity theft and implementing effective security strategies, you can minimize vulnerabilities and safeguard your personal information. Stay informed, stay cautious, and stay protected.


  1. How common is identity theft in 2024? Identity theft remains a prevalent threat, with millions of cases reported annually worldwide.

  2. What are the long-term consequences of identity theft? Beyond financial loss, victims may experience lasting emotional trauma and challenges in restoring their identities.

  3. Are identity protection services worth the investment? For many individuals, the peace of mind and comprehensive monitoring offered by identity protection services justify the cost.

  4. Can children be targets of identity theft? Yes, children are vulnerable to identity theft, as perpetrators may use their clean credit histories for fraudulent activities.

  5. What steps should I take if I suspect identity theft? Act quickly by contacting financial institutions, credit bureaus, and law enforcement agencies to minimize damage and initiate recovery efforts.

Our SecurePreferred plans give you and your family financial peace of mind by offering a variety of affordable identity protection options. See which plan best suits your needs.

The Unfortunate Tale: Identity Theft, Job Loss, and Legal Consequences


The Unfortunate Tale: Identity Theft, Job Loss, and Legal Consequences



In the realm of identity theft, the consequences can be far-reaching, impacting not only finances but also personal and professional aspects of an individual’s life. This narrative unfolds the unfortunate tale of John, a man whose life took a downward spiral after falling victim to identity theft.

Setting the Stage: John’s Everyday Life

John, a 40-year-old professional with a stable job, led a typical suburban life. Little did he know that his life was about to take an unexpected turn due to a malevolent force preying on his personal information.

Identity Stolen: The Unraveling Begins

It started with seemingly harmless unauthorized transactions on John’s credit card. Initially dismissing it as a mistake, John’s world quickly unraveled as more fraudulent activities surfaced. Someone had stolen his identity, using it to open lines of credit and commit financial fraud.

Professional Fallout: Job Loss and Accusations

As the financial discrepancies escalated, they caught the attention of John’s employer. Suspecting him of embezzlement due to the fraudulent activities associated with his identity, John found himself at the center of a workplace investigation. Despite his protests of innocence, the mounting evidence led to his termination.

Legal Battleground: Wrongly Accused and Incarcerated

The nightmare didn’t end with the loss of his job. Law enforcement became involved, and John found himself facing criminal charges for crimes he did not commit. The stolen identity had been used in more nefarious activities, and the legal system, unfortunately, failed to distinguish between the real John and the identity thief.

Financial Ruin: Struggling Against the Tide

Jobless and entangled in legal battles, John faced financial ruin. The debts incurred by the identity thief haunted him, and the legal fees associated with proving his innocence only added to the burden. The once-stable life he had built now lay in shambles.

Personal Toll: Strained Relationships and Mental Struggle

The toll on John’s personal life was immense. Relationships strained under the weight of the accusations, and the mental struggle of being wrongly accused and facing legal consequences took a toll on his overall well-being.

Redemption: Clearing His Name

Despite the odds stacked against him, John was determined to clear his name. With the support of a dedicated legal team, he uncovered evidence proving his innocence. The true identity thief was eventually apprehended, and the legal system acknowledged the wrongful accusations against John.

Rebuilding: A Long Road Ahead

While the legal battles concluded in John’s favor, the road to rebuilding his life was long and arduous. Re-establishing his professional reputation, mending relationships, and overcoming the financial aftermath of the identity theft became ongoing challenges.

Lessons Learned: The Importance of Vigilance

John’s story serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance in the face of identity theft. The repercussions extend beyond financial losses, affecting one’s professional standing, personal relationships, and mental well-being.


Identity theft is a pervasive threat that can lead to devastating consequences. John’s journey from a stable life to job loss and legal battles highlights the need for robust identity protection measures. As individuals, staying vigilant and taking proactive steps to safeguard personal information is crucial in preventing such life-altering scenarios.


  1. Can identity theft lead to job loss?

    • Yes, identity theft can lead to job loss if the fraudulent activities associated with the stolen identity raise suspicions in the workplace.
  2. What should I do if falsely accused of identity theft?

    • If falsely accused, seek legal counsel immediately, gather evidence proving your innocence, and work with law enforcement to uncover the true identity thief.
  3. How common is identity theft-related job loss?

    • While not extremely common, identity theft-related job loss can occur, especially if the fraudulent activities are directly linked to the victim’s professional life.
  4. Can an identity theft victim face legal consequences?

    • Unfortunately, yes. Identity theft victims can face legal consequences if their stolen identity is used for criminal activities, leading to mistaken accusations.
  5. What steps can one take to rebuild after identity theft?

    • Rebuilding after identity theft involves clearing your name legally, seeking professional and emotional support, and taking steps to restore your financial stability.

Our SecurePreferred plans give you and your family financial peace of mind by offering a variety of affordable identity protection options. See which plan best suits your needs.

Safeguarding Wisdom: A Guide to Identity Theft Protection for Seniors

Identity Theft Protection for Seniors

Safeguarding Wisdom: A Guide to Identity Theft Protection for Seniors

Identity Theft Protection for Seniors


In today’s digital age, personal information theft has become an increasingly common and concerning issue. The digital landscape offers convenience and connectivity but also presents opportunities for criminals to exploit vulnerabilities and steal sensitive data. This article will delve into the importance of safeguarding your personal information and provide practical tips to help protect yourself from becoming a victim of identity theft.

The Significance of Personal Information

Personal information encompasses a wide range of data, including your name, address, Social Security number, financial account details, and more. This information is not only valuable to you but also to identity thieves seeking to commit fraud, financial crimes, or even impersonate you for malicious purposes. Once your personal information is compromised, it can lead to severe consequences, including financial losses, damaged credit, and emotional distress.

Common Methods of Personal Information Theft

Identity thieves employ various methods to steal personal information, including:

  1. Phishing Attacks: Fraudsters often send deceptive emails, messages, or links that appear legitimate but are designed to trick you into divulging personal information such as passwords or credit card numbers.
  2. Data Breaches: When cybercriminals gain unauthorized access to a company’s database, your personal information stored with that organization may be exposed.
  3. Social Engineering: Identity thieves may use social manipulation to obtain your personal data, such as posing as a trustworthy person or organization over the phone or in person.
  4. Stolen Devices: Physical theft of devices like smartphones, laptops, or wallets can lead to the compromise of personal information.
  5. Dumpster Diving: Criminals may sift through discarded paperwork, looking for sensitive documents that contain personal information.

Protecting Your Personal Information

  1. Strengthen Passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for each online account, including a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Consider using a password manager to keep track of your credentials securely.
  2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Turn on 2FA wherever possible, adding an extra layer of security to your online accounts by requiring a second verification step.
  3. Be Cautious Online: Avoid clicking on suspicious links or sharing personal information via email or messages, especially when unsolicited.
  4. Monitor Financial Statements: Regularly review your bank and credit card statements for unauthorized transactions. Report any discrepancies promptly.
  5. Use Secure Wi-Fi Networks: When accessing sensitive information online, use secure and encrypted Wi-Fi networks. Avoid public Wi-Fi for financial transactions or accessing sensitive accounts.
  6. Safeguard Documents: Store physical documents containing personal information in a secure place, and shred any sensitive paperwork before disposing of it.
  7. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest identity theft tactics and scams to recognize potential threats.
  8. Regularly Check Your Credit Report: Request free annual credit reports from major credit bureaus to ensure no unauthorized accounts have been opened in your name.
  9. Secure Your Devices: Use strong passwords or biometric authentication to protect your smartphones, tablets, and computers. Install security updates and antivirus software regularly.


Personal information theft is a pervasive and ever-evolving threat in the digital age. Protecting your personal data is not only a matter of safeguarding your finances but also preserving your identity and peace of mind. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to identity theft and maintain greater control over your personal information in an increasingly interconnected world. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and take proactive steps to keep your data safe.

Our SecurePreferred plans give you and your family financial peace of mind by offering a variety of affordable identity protection options. See which plan best suits your needs.

Protecting Your Personal Information: Guarding Against Theft

Protecting Your Personal Information

Protecting Your Personal Information:
Guarding Against Theft

Protecting Your Personal Information


In today’s digital age, personal information theft has become an increasingly common and concerning issue. The digital landscape offers convenience and connectivity but also presents opportunities for criminals to exploit vulnerabilities and steal sensitive data. This article will delve into the importance of safeguarding your personal information and provide practical tips to help protect yourself from becoming a victim of identity theft.

The Significance of Personal Information

Personal information encompasses a wide range of data, including your name, address, Social Security number, financial account details, and more. This information is not only valuable to you but also to identity thieves seeking to commit fraud, financial crimes, or even impersonate you for malicious purposes. Once your personal information is compromised, it can lead to severe consequences, including financial losses, damaged credit, and emotional distress.

Common Methods of Personal Information Theft

Identity thieves employ various methods to steal personal information, including:

  1. Phishing Attacks: Fraudsters often send deceptive emails, messages, or links that appear legitimate but are designed to trick you into divulging personal information such as passwords or credit card numbers.
  2. Data Breaches: When cybercriminals gain unauthorized access to a company’s database, your personal information stored with that organization may be exposed.
  3. Social Engineering: Identity thieves may use social manipulation to obtain your personal data, such as posing as a trustworthy person or organization over the phone or in person.
  4. Stolen Devices: Physical theft of devices like smartphones, laptops, or wallets can lead to the compromise of personal information.
  5. Dumpster Diving: Criminals may sift through discarded paperwork, looking for sensitive documents that contain personal information.

Protecting Your Personal Information

  1. Strengthen Passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for each online account, including a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Consider using a password manager to keep track of your credentials securely.
  2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Turn on 2FA wherever possible, adding an extra layer of security to your online accounts by requiring a second verification step.
  3. Be Cautious Online: Avoid clicking on suspicious links or sharing personal information via email or messages, especially when unsolicited.
  4. Monitor Financial Statements: Regularly review your bank and credit card statements for unauthorized transactions. Report any discrepancies promptly.
  5. Use Secure Wi-Fi Networks: When accessing sensitive information online, use secure and encrypted Wi-Fi networks. Avoid public Wi-Fi for financial transactions or accessing sensitive accounts.
  6. Safeguard Documents: Store physical documents containing personal information in a secure place, and shred any sensitive paperwork before disposing of it.
  7. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest identity theft tactics and scams to recognize potential threats.
  8. Regularly Check Your Credit Report: Request free annual credit reports from major credit bureaus to ensure no unauthorized accounts have been opened in your name.
  9. Secure Your Devices: Use strong passwords or biometric authentication to protect your smartphones, tablets, and computers. Install security updates and antivirus software regularly.


Personal information theft is a pervasive and ever-evolving threat in the digital age. Protecting your personal data is not only a matter of safeguarding your finances but also preserving your identity and peace of mind. By following the tips mentioned in this article, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to identity theft and maintain greater control over your personal information in an increasingly interconnected world. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and take proactive steps to keep your data safe.

Our SecurePreferred plans give you and your family financial peace of mind by offering a variety of affordable identity protection options. See which plan best suits your needs.

Do I Need Identity Theft Protection?

Do I need identity theft protection?

Do I Need Identity Theft Protection?

Do I need identity theft protection?Whether or not you need identity theft protection depends on your individual circumstances and preferences. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if identity theft protection is right for you:

  1. Risk Tolerance: Evaluate your tolerance for risk. If you’re risk-averse and want peace of mind, identity theft protection services can provide added security.

  2. Personal Information Exposure: Consider how often you share personal information online or offline. Frequent online transactions, social media activity, and sharing personal data increase your exposure to potential identity theft risks.

  3. Security Practices: Assess your personal cybersecurity practices. If you use strong, unique passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and regularly monitor your financial accounts, you may be at lower risk.

  4. Financial Situation: Think about your financial situation and assets. If you have substantial assets, a higher income, or complex financial arrangements, identity theft protection may be more relevant to you.

  5. Identity Theft Awareness: Awareness of identity theft risks and preventive measures is crucial. If you’re informed about identity theft and already take steps to protect your identity, you might not need additional services.

  6. Legal Protections: Research the legal protections available in your country or state in case of identity theft. In some places, there are laws and regulations that offer certain protections to victims of identity theft.

  7. Insurance Coverage: Check if your homeowners or renters insurance includes identity theft coverage. Some policies offer coverage for expenses related to identity theft.

  8. Budget: Evaluate your budget and whether you can afford identity theft protection services. Some services can be costly, so it’s essential to consider this factor.

  9. Family Situation: Consider your family’s situation. If you have dependents, you may want to protect their identities as well.

In summary, identity theft protection services can provide an extra layer of security and peace of mind, but they may not be necessary for everyone. Assess your risk factors, personal practices, and financial situation to determine if such services align with your needs and priorities. Additionally, it’s wise to stay informed about identity theft risks and take proactive measures to protect your personal information regardless of whether you choose to use an identity theft protection service.

Our SecurePreferred plans give you and your family financial peace of mind by offering a variety of affordable identity protection options. See which plan best suits your needs.

How Identity Theft Protection Works

How Identity Theft Protection Works

How Identity Theft Protection Works

How Identity Theft Protection WorksIn an accelerating era of new technology at our fingertips, tapping into security is a great idea!  Perhaps you have encountered some mishaps, or heard stories of not so fun experiences that unfortunately lurk in the shadows of all the benefits we enjoy.  With our new cyber world adventures, identity theft is a real threat to avoid, so keep your “happy time” safe!

Identity Theft Threats

According to the National Council on Identity Theft Protection –  identity theft fraud is a crime well worth awareness.  Millions of identities are stolen every year, and billions of dollars are lost.

These types of crimes have the ability to threaten lives financially and socially. In addition, not knowing the motives of someone who acquires your personal information may lead to physical harm to you or someone you love.  https://identitytheft.org/statistics

“Concern for the safety of [humanity] must always be the chief interest of all technical endeavors”  – Albert Einstein

Identity Theft Protection Can Help Prevent a Crisis

Not all situations are the same, so it’s important to do your own research as it applies to you.  Discuss options with respected people & professionals when considering identity theft protection and ask questions.

With identity theft protection – email, credit cards, government documents/benefits, loans, leases, phone/utilities, banking, employment, taxes, medical, social security, child identity, and other fraud can be monitored, intercepted, and avoided.

Identity theft technical monitoring systems scan the web and online databases to protect  your personal information. If this information is found somewhere it shouldn’t be (for example on the dark web), or suspicious activity is detected, the service provider can further investigate to determine whether your information has been misused or part of a fraudulent data breach.

Identity monitoring, credit monitoring, identity recovery, and identity theft insurance are options available to you with identity theft protection. If a breach has occurred, identity theft protection services will notify you, present a list of solutions to resolve the issue and assist you through the process.

Find peace of mind by safeguarding your personal information and take action to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft, before it happens.  Identity Theft — National Crime Prevention Council (ncpc.org)

IdentityIQ Theft Protection Services

The best IdentityIQ Theft Protection can save you time, money, and stress with our professional services. Our up-to-date technical systems will ‘keep watch’ for your security.  We will alert you to compromised identity, suspicious activity, and other possible breaches. Our dedicated case managers will walk you through the process.

If you have an identity crisis, you not only need to know what steps to take, you may need finances for a lawyer and other expenses. When your identity has been compromised, it may be difficult to access money, and you may want coverage. Fortunately, IdentityIQ Theft Protection services include identity theft insurance.  You’ll have the best – up to $1 million in insurance to help you cover identity theft-related costs like lost wages, legal fees, and reimbursement of stolen money.

With Identity Theft Protection you won’t be alone. You will realize the security of knowing your “happy time” is safe with the assistance of professionals who care.  Click on the link below for more details, or give us a call.  We’re here in the U.S..

What to Do When Your Identity Has Been Stolen

What to Do When Your Identity Has Been Stolen

What to Do When Your Identity Has Been Stolen

What to Do When Your Identity Has Been StolenIdentity theft can be a very scary situation – probably the word [panic] comes to mind. It could be one of those o-my-god moments none of us want to experience, right?  It’s like looking in the mirror one day and wondering where you are. You may want to scream, cry, call 911, break something, or sit in silent shock. You are grieving a loss, but not of a loved one. You just lost – well, a part of yourself.

This is not the end, though. You can cross this valley. Don’t panic. You can overcome identity theft, and – find all of yourself again.  After all, you are the only real you. Take a few minutes to regain your composure; and then, take action to get back what was stolen.

Solutions for Identity Theft

You will most likely need to get out a notepad and start a priority list of online research to do, phone calls to make, & places to go for your specific situation. 

Here are some important actions you may need to take if applicable as you evaluate your situation:

  1. Call your bank(s) and credit card company(s) to report, request more information and cancel CC(s), account(s), etc.

  2. Check your credit report(s) online and place a fraud alert. What Are the Three Main Credit Bureaus? (businessinsider.com)

  3. Request an annual free credit report from the 3 primary credit bureaus in the U.S. Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion are currently offering free weekly reports to American Citizens through 2023. https://www.AnnualCreditReport.com

  4. Call Your mobile phone company to report fraud, ask for any possible information or assistance, and change your account/number(s) as necessary.

  5. Contact businesses and government agencies to alert them, find more information, and file reports related to your case.

  6. File a police report and request any helpful information they may be able to offer locally.

  7. Contact professional legal services if you believe you may need their assistance.

If your identity theft is more complex and you need some assistance evaluating details or proceeding, the Federal Trade Commission has a website and informational videos to help Recovering from Identity Theft | Federal Trade Commission – YouTube 

IdentityIQ Protection

If you or your family are victims of identity theft it can be a long walk through the valley of recovery. The National Council on Identity Theft 2023 Identity Theft Facts and Statistics recently reported that fraud cases are up 70% from 2020 to 2023, primarily from imposter scams and online shopping. 

With all the wonders of internet exploration, learning, and lifestyle benefits it can be exciting.  It can also be dangerous. It’s important to learn how to use this online worldwide web safely and protect yourself. 

We are here to assist. IdentityIQ Theft Protection will provide a safety net for you and your family.  Our system monitors any signs of fraud, breaches, and suspicious activity 24/7 on the web and dark web.  Our professional customer service staff are here to let you know you are not alone and to help you resolve problems quickly. 

We also offer up to $1,000,000 in identity theft insurance and other benefits. Find out what those other benefits are and how we can provide protection to help secure your financial future:  https://identitytheftprotection123.com

We hope you will find a smile the next time you look in the mirror, as the stolen you has been recovered and secured!

10 Ways to Protect Your Identity in 2023

10 Ways to Protect Your Identity in 2023

10 Ways to Protect Your Identity in 2023

10 Ways to Protect Your Identity in 2023If you are reading this, you know we are living through unprecedented times of uncertainty. You are searching for security.  As the digital world continues to grow with new technology, so do the risks.  Millions of identities are stolen every year.  Billions of dollars are lost. Identity protection is a priority for many Americans in 2023.  Here are some things you should know.

Identity Theft Statistics

According to the National Council on Identity Theft Protection – credit/debit card, mail, and computer fraud are serious crimes well worth awareness.

These types of crimes have the ability to ruin lives financially and socially. In addition, not knowing the motives of someone who acquires your personal information may lead to harming you physically.   https://identitytheft.org/statistics

* Ten Tips to Protect Your Identity in 2023

Not all situations are the same, so it’s important to do your own research as it applies to you.  Discuss options with respected people & professionals when considering identity theft prevention, protection, insurance, and legal services. 

#1  POP-UP(s) on your computer – It’s always wise to delete or ignore them. They could be spyware or adware with codes to cause you or your computer harm.  Be sure 1st.  Search for more information before proceeding.

#2   EMAIL – Think twice before clicking links in emails unless you are sure you trust the source.    Don’t send personal information until you validate who you are sending it to.  

#3  BANK RECORDS – Keep up on them after any transaction & don’t store CC’s on websites.

#4  USPS MAIL –  Don’t leave mail in your box overnight and remember to request a hold while on vacation.

#5  CREDIT REPORTS – Check monthly for the suspicious activity you may not be aware of.

#6  MONITOR CRIMINAL RECORDS – Make sure your name isn’t out there anywhere, in bad places.  Do an online search of your name occasionally to see what comes up.

#7  BE CAREFUL OF THE DARK WEB – It can be a dangerous place.  Research it before going there, as it has its own unique rules.

#8  KEEP COPIES – Of all transactions, so if the internet goes down, or important records are lost online, you have a backup.

#9  KNOW WHO TO CALL for Help – It is always a good idea to have contact information available prior to an urgent situation to avoid additional stress.  If your identity is stolen, you will have to take action to set things right. This could include contacting credit bureaus, talking to law enforcement, reporting identity theft to government agencies, and finding legal assistance.

#10  FIND PEACE OF MIND – Safeguard your personal information and take action to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft, before it happens.  Identity Theft — National Crime Prevention Council

IdentityIQ Protection

The best identity theft monitoring in 2023 will help. IdentityIQ can save you time, money, and stress with our professional services. Our up-to-date technical systems will ‘keep watch’ for your security.  We will alert you to compromised identity, suspicious activity, and other possible breaches.  We will also give you a dedicated case manager to walk you through the process of reclaiming and restoring losses, should you encounter an identity theft problem.

If you have your identity stolen, you not only need to know what steps to take, you may need finances for a lawyer and other expenses. When your identity has been compromised, it may be difficult to access money, and you may want coverage. Fortunately, the best identity theft monitoring services include identity insurance.  When you choose IdentityIQ, you’ll have the best – up to $1 million in insurance to help you cover identity theft-related costs like lost wages, legal fees, and reimbursement of stolen money.

You probably don’t want to face identity theft alone. You can choose identity protection with the assistance of professionals who care.  Best wishes for peace of mind and security in 2023.  We are here for you https://Identitytheftprotection123.com   –  find out more

Is Identity Theft Protection Necessary


Is Identity Theft Protection Necessary?

Is-Identity-Theft-Protection-NecessaryYou may be wondering if identity theft protection is necessary. After all, you’re careful with your personal information, and you’ve never been a victim of identity theft before. 

But the fact is identity theft is on the rise. In 2021, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) received more than 5.88 million fraud reports, a 19% increase from the previous year! So even if you’re careful, you can’t guarantee that you won’t become a victim of identity theft. 

That’s why it’s important to have an identity protection plan in place. Here are three reasons why.

You’re Probably a Prime Target

Your personal information is valuable. If you have a good credit score, own a home, or make a lot of online purchases, you’re more likely to be targeted by identity thieves. 

An identity protection plan can help detect any suspicious activity and alert you so that you can take action quickly. The best plans offer a combination of features including credit monitoring, dark web surveillance, and fraud alerts. They also provide guidance on what to do if your identity is stolen. 

With an identity protection plan in place, you can rest assured that you’re taking steps to protect your personal information.

Identity Theft Can Be Hard to Spot

Identity theft is a serious problem that can have lasting consequences. Unfortunately, it’s often hard to spot on your own. Criminals are crafty and can create sophisticated scams that are difficult to detect. 

Most of the time, the first sign of fraud or theft is that you’re missing money from your bank account or that your credit card has unfamiliar charges. By then, you’re already a victim, and you’re facing an uphill battle to restore your finances and your privacy. 

That’s why an identity protection plan can be so valuable. It can monitor your accounts for any strange activity and alert you if anything looks out of the ordinary. With an identity protection plan in place, you can have peace of mind knowing that you’re protected from identity theft.

You Can Lose More Than Money

Most people are aware of the financial risks associated with identity theft, but few realize that the consequences can extend far beyond a damaged credit score. 

When an identity thief steals your personal information, they can use it to apply for jobs in your name. This can leave you with a poor work history that is full of positions you never actually held. 

In some cases, identity thieves have even been known to provide stolen personal information to law enforcement when they are arrested for a crime. As a result, the victim of identity theft can end up with legal problems that are completely unrelated to any wrongdoing on their part. 

That’s why it’s so important to have comprehensive identity theft protection in place. By taking steps to protect your personal information, you can help to safeguard your finances, your work history, and your good name.

Get the Identity Theft Protection You Need Today

As you can see, identity theft protection is an important tool to help you maintain your financial and legal integrity. 

Don’t wait until there’s a problem. Sign up for a plan today!